About Us
Multi Touch International (MTI)
Our aim is to inspire a robust systematic culture of mega agroforestry engagements particularly, involving arid and semi-arid communities including youth and students across Kenya with an ultimate goal of aligning an active formidable climate change mitigation network aimed at appreciating National tree cover to beyond 10% in line with the Government Vision 2030 and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Mega agroforestry primarily targets 40% of Kenya’s Arid and semi-arid lands i.e. farms, ranches, trust, hinter and rangelands besides revitalizing existing endangered degraded forests and biodiversity particularly diminishing medicinal trees and shrubs spices, besides the introduction of conducive fruits and cash crops, of importance is to motivate mobilize and impact highly vulnerable territorial communities to realize their potential in mitigating evolving effects of climate change sustainably, a process expected to immensely impact on forest cover, ecological instability and enhance economic vibrancy Nationally.
Climate change is a de-stabilizing influence on an already unstable world, a foreboding future and insecurity to livelihoods, from small Island Nations to the most developed Nations. Climate change is the ultimate Global Threat, intensifying hunger, poverty, migration, decease and conflicts especially in developing countries like Kenya with its fast-growing population of over 50 million, challenges will abound going forward. Kenya’s land mass is 580,367km square of which 80% is categorized as Arid and Semi-Arid (ASAL) besides being among the world’s most water stressed nations with less than 600 cubic meters per capita per annum and with evolving climate change related challenges, Kenya faces imminent danger.
In recent months the United Nations (UN) reached a scientific consensus that the world has only eleven years to device feasible and audacious counter-measures to avert climate change inherent catastrophes. Global Authorities are also unanimous that mass tree planting marathons besides cutting down on Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions as the cheapest and the most formidable intervention measure to contain global warming, “The Optimum God’s Science”.